What Career Should You Pursue?
You have to choose an answer for each of the questions. It’s possible that both of the descriptions suit you, but always choose the one you like or prefer better. This test aims to discover your true self, the choices are neither good nor bad, so don’t think about expectations from your boss, your colleagues, your family and your friends.
What Career Should You Pursue?
You have to choose an answer for each of the questions. It’s possible that both of the descriptions suit you, but always choose the one you like or prefer better. This test aims to discover your true self, the choices are neither good nor bad, so don’t think about expectations from your boss, your colleagues, your family and your friends.

Particularly those who are nearing graduation (whether from high school or college) and are uncertain about their future career path.

Individuals who are considering a shift in their profession due to dissatisfaction, a desire for new challenges, or other personal reasons.

Those who may be experiencing a mid-career crisis and are pondering whether they're in the right field or if a change might reinvigorate their professional life.

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